Many companies have adopted enterprise risk management (ERM) practices. But far fewer have been able to embed those practices into their organizations to create a structured and sustainable business management process.
Milliman can assist in filling that gap and answer the ever present and growing demands of regulators, rating agencies, lenders, institutional investors, and shareholders with a robust and repeatable ERM process tailored to your business needs.
Our approach is to use a phased process depending on your organization's needs, maturity level of existing ERM processes,
and priorities. Change can be as gradual or as swift as your organization desires. The Milliman ERM platform is modular and scalable, allowing you to expand your capabilities and increase your level of ERM maturity at a rate that works best for your organization.
The Milliman ERM work platform is web-based and includes easy-to-navigate dashboards that give your organization the business
intelligence needed for decision making.
Your organization will immediately be able to see the business value from our ERM suite of consulting and technology solutions.
Instead of making decisions based on disparate processes and data, your organization will be able to gain a real-time window into the
crucial information you need to navigate today's volatile environment, including:
- A comprehensive view of your corporate and program risk profiles
- A constantly evolving risk register and risk analysis
- A summary of key risk indicators that are linked directly to your key performance indicators
- Root-cause and risk-driver analyses to help you make risk-adjusted decisions
- Understanding of risk relationships, risk correlations, and GRC (governance, risk management, and compliance) integration
- An ERM reporting package, executive dashboard, and complete user training